Zatec Plant
The Zatec plant has been operational since the end of 2017 and was built for the purpose of expanding the manufacturing and warehousing capacity, which is currently 5,460 m2. Further company premises comprise an area of 35,000 m2, which shall in future be used for the further strategic development of the company. Currently, 70 qualified staff work here with the management.
The major products manufactured here are cables for rolling stock, which due to their size and complexity are made mainly using certified hand-operated tools and instruments. Here, we further focus on the manufacturing of larger electromechanical subgroups and highly flexible copper cables.
In 2019 unique automated technology was acquired for the company for cutting of cables with a diameter of up to 40 mm or 300 mm2 and storage of reels up to a maximum weight of 1,300 kg per one reel. Due to the size, this custom-made technology ranks among the biggest in Europe!
The experience of our staff is evidenced by the manufacturing of cable harnesses and modules for hundreds of trains and tram cars in the last 16 years.
HaR Komplet s.r.o.
Lounska 398
438 01 Zatec
Tel: +420 353 902 334
Instalace FVE v areálu společnosti H a R Komplet, s.r.o.
č. projektu: CZ.31.3.0/0.0/0.0/22_001/0001281
je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.
Cílem projektu je realizace fotovoltaické elektrárny (FVE) o celkovém výkonu 29,7 kWp. Elektrická energie, která bude vyrobena FVE bude využívána v celém areálu společnosti (na odběrném místě).